Support your journey to find balance, energy, strength, and wellness, focusing on the very best version of you.

- Our Mission

  • Feeling burned out

  • Loss of motivation

  • Are you easily overwhelmed

  • Struggling with Self Doubt

  • Tried it all, and sick of no results

  • Sleep pattern is off

  • Irritable, tired, unable to focus

What part of you does not feel the same?….What are you missing and where do you start? How can you feel excited and enthusiastic about living the career and life you had planned to live?

Find your strength. Let’s start with some support………


YOU Time

You need time focus on YOU! To provide the best results that work for you, we will FOCUS on you too! We avoid unrealistic expectations - and will help you create an individualized program that is tailored to your needs, your health desires, and your wellness goals. Don’t know your goals yet, we can figure them out together.

Stuff for YOU

The purpose of these programs are to guide and support you through personalized interaction, strength finding, and to provide knowledge, insight, and resources to support a positive healthy lifestyle. Whether you need to find balance, de-stress, modify your eating habits, or re-invent yourself……

let’s start now, I CAN help you!


Let’s start the Journey to find the healthiest balanced version of YOU……..


Meet your personal Registered Nurse and certified Lifestyle Medicine Professional transformation coach.

Tracy Kasten DNP, MSN, RN, DipACLM